Saturday, October 05, 2024
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Organized in 1941, the Western Piedmont Safety Council has continuously worked to reduce economic losses and eliminate human injury in the workplace. The Council realizes that North Carolina’s most important resource is its people.

Organized in 1940, the Southeastern Safety Council has continuously worked to reduce economic losses and eliminate human injury in the workplace. The Council realizes that North Carolina’s most important resource is its people.

The objective of the NORTHEASTERN SAFETY COUNCIL is to promote safety in industry, home and public places with special emphasis places upon safety in industry. It is operated as an independent, non-commercial, nonpolitical organization.

About Us

This is the largest conference of its kind on the East Coast. Many networking opportunities with safety professionals and awesome vendors! Please join us in the name of safety! The Conference shall function as a non-political, non-commercial organization with special emphasis on accident prevention and safety motivation.